8 around a table

We had  a ball.  We took paints + stencils + spray ink + art journals + coffee and bikkies + 8 gals + a large table and a large splash of creativity = an exceptionally satisfying day. Apart from making new friends, one of the things I about teaching art journaling is seeing the ‘same page’ emerge differently for everyone.






IMG_20150217_124456I missed snapping a pic of everyone’s individual pages, but you can see the diversity from these few snaps.  My SIL Ruth blogged her art journaling experience here.

Despite the chatter everyone managed to finish (mostly just a little doodling as homework) 2 double page spreads in 3 hours!  Well done ladies, you can be proud of going outside your comfort zone and trying new things: we tore the page out of the book instead of cutting it straight, we applied paint with our fingers, and the sentiment behind the pages was more important than the design/layout.

Stay in touch with updates, workshops dates and inspiration here.

5 thoughts on “8 around a table

  1. sheree @ Seaweed & Raine says:

    I haven’t done anything like that since college… Makes me want to break out the paints. Instead, this week I made erupting paint with the small people (ok, so if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em right? So I MIGHT have made a small painting with the left over – but I don’t really like it). Ladies you have done yourselves proud. They are beautiful, and I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing more soon. Looking forward to it.


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